Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Is HELP aid UK a registered charity?
Ans: Yes. HELP aid UK is a charity registered with HM Revenue and Customs, UK and the Registration No. is XT 39448.
Q: What is your organization structure?
Ans: Similar to any other charitable organization, HELP aid UK has a formal organizational structure.
Q: Who are the trustee members?
Ans: Currently it is a group of 7 voluntary members from different parts of the UK with similar interests.
Q: How do I know the trustees details?
Ans: We
have intentionally not published these details in the website. However
we are happy to give all of the trustee member details on request. Trust wishes to uphold its principle of not using its name as a means for the trustees’ to gain personal glory.
Q: How can I get involved with HELP aid UK?
Ans: As a member -You can become a member by contributing a minimum of £2.00 p/m to the trust account.
As a Volunteer - You can get involved in fund raising, promotional activities, coordination and making your valuable recommendations.
Q: How transparent is HELP aid UK going to be?
Ans: The
Trust will endeavour to be transparent in all its financial
transactions to its members in every way as much as possible. Each
member can request to get a latest financial status and the feedback
of funded organization/member/family. We will publish these details in
the website. Confidentiality matters will be taken into account before
publishing any details of the beneficiary. A periodical feedback and
annual report will be published accordingly.
Q: How are you going to choose a particular organization or member to give its aid?
Ans: Each
member will have an opportunity to cast their views in the website in
future. The trust will initiate to gather information and prioritize the
Q: How do I know that my contribution makes a difference?
Ans: The
Trust will endeavour to get feedback from the funded NGO/person to
evaluate the outcome. This will be published periodically in the
Q: How do you check the credibility of the organization?
Ans: We understand this is a difficult task. However, we will try our best by adhering to the procedure below:
require two trusted references from the beneficiaries’ local area –
this could be a person or an organization with no political influences.
Q: How do I make a payment to the trust?
Ans: You
can set up a standing order to the Trust A/c worth £2.00 per month or more.
This can be done online or you can print standing order form, fill the
details and hand over to your bank and they will process it for you. One off payments as a donation to the Trust Account is another option. For details of our Bank Account details, please use our 'Donate' page and we will email you the details.
Q: What are the disciplinary procedures for the trustees and its members?
Ans: All
the trustees must abide by its code of conduct. Any formal/ informal
complaint will be subjected to its own internal investigation and
disciplinary procedure. Trust will take this
matter very seriously. If there are any financial discrepancies
suspected appropriate action will be taken. The Trust will not tolerate
any kind of defamation by its members or its trustees, in which case membership will be
cancelled and further appropriate action will be taken by UK